Personal development and hiking in the Dolomites 🇮🇸 (Eng)

Personal development and hiking in the Dolomites: today, while I’m enjoying the beautiful things that is giving me a sunny day of a February with 29 days , I want to talk to you about the plans I have, for me and for you (if you accept the very decent proposal that will I will), for next summer.

What do I intend to offer you?

I offer you to set out on the way to the Dolomites: a magical place of the Italian Alps.

There we will do hiking, mindfulness exercises and a whole series of personal and group works, focused on personal development.

I know these places very well from my childhood and I know perfectly what they can offer us.

These mountains, their forests and their legends will ask us questions, and guide us in the search for the answers that our life needs so much.

I am sure that, if you accompany me ready to make your legs and your soul walk, you will discover wonderful things about yourself: knowledge that will help you overcome your fears and your limits.

You will be able to understand, accept and love your life more than you have done so far, committing yourself to live it intensely.

You will thus be able to verify to what extent entering into a deep and authentic contact with nature helps us to penetrate our most authentic being, revealing those truths which, as the Little Prince said, are invisible to the eyes but not to the heart of the ‘human being.

Henry David Thoreau wrote:

« I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.«

I suggest going to the mountains together, to walk paths, share experiences, fears, solitude and hopes, to share a part of our journey through life together, so that it can be a path of growth, a path of wisdom, a path of hope and prosperity.

The DOLOMITES are waiting for us, so that we can share an experience with them that you will not forget.

Do you dare to come?

Carlo De Amicis 644363464

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