Happy loneliness 🇮🇸 (Eng)

Happy loneliness: there are times when, due to our life’s circumstances of life, we have to spend alone Christmas and Christmas Eve: when this happens to me, I feel sad.

Happy loneliness

This year is what will happen to me: I felt a very painful sadness for a few days. This until tonight, when I decided to finish painting a crib that I started in early November.

In doing so, I felt that there was no reason to be sad: this child had chosen to be born in a stable, after being rejected: in a stable and not in a large building. He wanted to teach us that our loneliness, our pain, our anxiety also have a meaning. Starting his earthly life in a manger and ending on a cross, he turned on the light of hope.

We humans would have liked a great, strong and victorious warrior to come. But we were given a child who whispers in the stable «Don’t be afraid, because I am with you every day until the end of the world».

So if in these days we cannot have close people we love most, we must not be sad: this beautiful child joins us in our solitude.

Feliz Navidad, Buon Natale, Joyeux Noël, عيد ميلاد سعيد, Merry Christmas, Καλά Χριστούγεννα, Feliz natal, Frohe Weihnachten, 聖誕快樂

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