Shine on, it’s Christmas 🇮🇸 (Eng)

Shine on, it’s Christmas: Christmas is coming and I am writing to wish you a Merry Christmas and I hope that you too can feel the joyful sadness that often accompanies these days.

Shine on Shine on you crazy diamond

This is what I call the Christmas happy sadness: sadness for the people who have accompanied us on other dates and who are no longer there now.

Someone no longer lives, another lives far away and does not come home for Christmas, or maybe he has stopped talking to us, he is sick, imprisoned, exiled. …

«Wish you were here» sang Pink Floyd to Syd Barret, a friend of theirs and a band member who had to leave them for a mental disorder. It was good that they dedicated this song to him, to celebrate what it had been.

«Shine on you crazy diamond»  sang in another song from the same LP.

It  hase been surely a joyful sadness for the group to compose this album.

We are our memories, we are «memory factories», we are alive while we remember.

These dates are for remembrance and celebration, to celebrate that we still have memories. To get together with the people we love and to remember those we would like to have with us who are not there. Days to have fun, laugh to sing and when we do it, our personal «crazy diamonds» are by our side, and brighter than ever, in our memory

Merry Christmas and please, shine on «crazy diamond».


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