Leaving Las Vegas 🇮🇸 (Eng)

Leaving Las Vegas is a mythical film and Bringing it all back home is the name of Bob Dylan’s fifth studio LP.

This is how I feel, returning to Europe again.

Leaving Las Vegas

I’m meditating on experiences I lived in USA, very intense and positive experiences.

A journey always changes something in your soul.

 Meditation hall at New York airport
Meditation hall at New York airport

I return to my daily life, to a job that I love, to very importants persons in my life, I return with strength and enthusiasm.

New and old projects are waiting for me.

The journey continues

A part of me remains in Las Vegas, but there are also many things that I bring home with me.

Returning to the old continent, I want to thank the good treatment I’ve received in sin city.

See you soon America, see you Italy, see you Andalusia.

Thank you life

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